
Identify the follow on documents from a given document

This blog post aims to provide a lesser known, but a very powerful tool to fetch the follow on document numbers from a given document number while writing custom ABAP based reports.

For example, a report is to be submitted to external authorities/auditors/internal management giving the extract of the SD billing document, FI document posted, and other details related to currency, amount. To further add to the complicacy, assume this is to be submitted for some specific customers or product groups. Developing such a report would involve fetching the data from various tables like VBRK, BKPF, BSEG, etc which may lead to long run times

Another case is FI/COPA reconciliation where it is often reconciled what is posted in FI and what not posted in COPA to arrive at the “reconciliation items”.

Standard SAP offers a function module BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENTS_RECORD which can simplify the process of data extraction. Lets see it using 3 different cases

Case 1 – Identify the follow on documents (CO/PCA/COPA,etc) from FI document

Go to SE37 and enter the FM BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENTS_RECORD. Press F8 to test the same


Click on /wp-content/uploads/2013/04/image002_201389.png against the External_Documents and enter the following details


OBJ_TYP = BKPF (BKPF identifies that the origin of the transaction lies in FI )

OBJ_KEY = FI Document Number + Company + Fiscal year

OBJ_SYS as “System ID_Client No”. The system ID can be obtained from SAP Log on Pad

Press F3 (back) after you have entered above details. Following screen appears


Press Execute (F8). The “Result” under “Accounting_Documents” shows 18 entries


Click on  /wp-content/uploads/2013/04/image002_201389.pngagainst the Accounting_Documents and you can see the following 4 types of documents


In Column REC_T,

BKPF – Stands for FI Doc

COPCA – Stands for PCA Doc

COBK – Stands for Controlling document

             COPA – Stands for COPA document

Case 2: Identify the follow on Accounting documents (FI/CO/PCA/, etc ) from MM documents

Go to SE37 and enter the FM BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENTS_RECORD. Press F8 to test the same


Click on /wp-content/uploads/2013/04/image002_201389.png against the External_Documents and enter the following details

       OBJ_TYP = MKPF (MKPF identifies that the origin of the transaction is in MM)

       OBJ_KEY = MM Document Number + Fiscal year

       OBJ_SYS as “System ID_Client No”. (The system ID can be obtained from SAP Log on Pad)


Press F3 (back) after you have entered above details. Following screen appears


  Press Execute (F8). The “Result” under “Accounting_Documents” shows 4 entries


Click on /wp-content/uploads/2013/04/image002_201389.png against the “Accounting_Documents- Results” and you can see the following 4 documents


In Column REC_T

BKPF – Stands for FI Doc

COPCA – Stands for PCA Doc

GLX – Stands for Special Purpose Ledger

COBK – Stands for Controlling document

Case 3: Identify the follow on Accounting documents (FI/CO/PCA/COPA/SPL, etc) from external documents (SD)

Follow the same process as above with following details


OBJ_KEY = SD Billing document No. (Without suffixing any Fiscal year and Company code)

OBJ_SYS = System ID_Client No

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